Maintaining good posture has become increasingly challenging in our modern world of screen time and sedentary lifestyles. This not only has an effect on physical appearance but also contributes to various health issues, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches.
Below, YogaRenew Co-Founder and Director Kate Lombardo shares 4 yoga poses to improve posture, along with the mental and physical benefits, images, and instructions for each.
“Yoga is a natural and effective way to combat these issues and improve your posture. The four yoga poses below specifically target posture improvement, helping you stand taller, feel more confident, and alleviate discomfort caused by poor habits.” – Kate Lombardo.
Locust Pose
How to:
Lay on your belly with your hands by your sides and your fingertips reaching toward your toes.
Hug your shoulder blades together and engage your quadriceps.
On an inhale, lift your arms, chest, and legs off of the floor and towards the ceiling.
Stay for 5-7 breaths and lower down.
This powerful back extension strengthens and engages all of the back muscles, directly impacting posture and counteracting the effects of slouching and rounded shoulders. Regular practice of this pose can lengthen the spine, open the chest, and promote a more upright and aligned posture.
Warrior 1
How to:
From an upright standing position or Mountain Pose, step your left foot back 3-4 feet behind you.
Turn your left foot to a 45-degree angle with your heel pressed down.
Bend your right knee toward a 90-degree angle, keeping your knee stacked over your ankle.
Reach your arms overhead and fully lengthen through the sides of your chest.
Hold for several breaths and switch sides.
Warrior I is a foundational standing pose that encourages a lengthened spine, open chest, and engagement of the core muscles, which help to counteract the effects of poor posture. By grounding through the feet and extending through the crown of the head, Warrior I cultivates a sense of stability and balance, leading to improved posture in daily life. Regular practice of Warrior I can help build strength and flexibility in the legs, hips, and back, further supporting the ability to confidently stand upright.
Cow’s Faced Pose Arms Stretch
How to:
Reach your right arm straight overhead.
Bend your right elbow and take your hand behind your head towards your shoulder blades and upper back.
Reach your left arm out to a “T” with your palm facing behind you.
Press your left arm back until you can’t go any further. Then, bend your elbow and move your left hand towards your right, eventually bringing your fingertips together.
If hands don’t meet, you can press them firmly into your back.
Keep hugging your shoulder blades towards each other as you open your chest.
Repeat the other side.
This shoulder opener can be done sitting with shins on a block or cross-legged. It promotes flexibility and alignment in the shoulders, chest, and spine. Regular practice of this stretch can increase the range of motion in the shoulders and sides of the chest, improving daily posture.
Supported Fish Pose
How to:
Bring one yoga block to a high height and one to a medium height.
Stack the medium block long ways in a t-shape towards the top block.
Lie down on the medium block so it snuggles right in between the shoulder blades and supports the upper back.
Bring your head onto the top block and arms out beside you.
Hold for 2-3 minutes or as long as you can.
This restorative backbend gently opens the chest and shoulders, promoting better posture. By using two blocks to support the spine, this pose slowly releases tension in the upper back and neck, which can help counteract the rounding effects created by computer work or sitting at a desk.
For more information, visit YogaRenew.