SUPER BLOOM, by Megan Tady, is a heartfelt story about Massage therapist Joan Johnston who works at a Vermont spa, but her life feels anything but serene. She’s deep in debt, burnt out, and still grieving the death of her boyfriend. 

Super Bloom, Healthy Living + TravelEnter spa guest Carmen Bronze, a hotheaded bestselling romance author, who offers Joan a chance to get back in her boss’s good graces. All Joan needs to do is slip Carmen spa secrets for her next book, but what if she wants to write it herself?

A heartfelt, hope-filled debut, SUPER BLOOM will have readers rooting for Joan on every page—and laughing out loud at her one-of-a-kind wit. Follow Joan as she finds friends, solace, and even new love as she goes through the ups and downs of massage therapy.

SUPER BLOOM is available on Amazon.